Production Assistant
As owner and director of Anubis Productions, Georgiana Neilson-Toy is diversifying, and found work as a Production Assistant on a three...
"Ghost Voices" Fully Cast and Superb First Rehearsal
"Ghost Voices" is now fully cast and today we had our first rehearsal of this exciting immersive theatre project! Sooooo excited!! Such a...
'Ghost Voices' Auditions!
The script is ready! The Frome Festival Entry booked for the 8th and 9th July 2016. Auditions for the roles of: Barter (Wool Worker, male...
Ghost Voices - Less of a 'Ghost' more of a Thing!
The venue is booked and this show will be held at St Mary's Church, Frome. I am also making the final edits to the script to get it ready...
"Ghost Voice" Theatre Project Taking Shape
The script is now complete, the play is almost fully cast and meetings are fruitful! We currently are in the process of finding a venue...
Voice Over Project Complete
Georgiana Neilson-Toy has obtained her first big Voice Over Project. As the project organiser her roles included: voice over artist,...
Voice Over Contract Success!
The lovely and talented Slavka Liskova has completed her first voice over job since joining Anubis Actors Agency. We recorded on Sunday...
Lauren Palmer Commercial Success!
The youngest actress in the Anubis Actors family is Lauren Palmer, only 19 and has already been snapped up this year for her first...
Anubis Actors and Moses Hardwick's Vocal Talents
Moses has acquired his first job with Anubis Actors Agency and we are thrilled for him. His audience are going to be in for a real treat....
Anubis Actors Launch!
I am very excited because this week is the launch of Anubis Actors my own agency. I have already in the first week two actors on my books....